It’s a real wonder why Gail Kim was never given a stronger push in WWE, especially considering some of her performers for TNA. In many ways quite alike Lita in athleticism, charisma and the uniqueness of her look, Gail seemed like she was going to be a huge deal when she debuted in the summer of 2003 and won the Women’s Title on her first night, similar to how Paige debuted earlier this year.

Unfortunately for Gail, a few botches in key matches and a seeming- bizarre- reluctance on WWE’s part to push an Asian ethnicity Diva meant she never took off on the big stage, not during her first run or her second, in WWE. Gail did everything right to be a successful WWE diva, including one of the best augmentations in WWE history, finding a perfect size for her slim frame, big enough to be ‘noticeable’ to the cavemen in Gorilla but not enough to disfigure her frame. She’s the second on the list whom had many people fooled until Maria Kanellis outed her for good in 2010. In spite of this, for whatever reason, it was never meant to be for Gail.

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